Plex Media Server on OMV 5 inside Docker with Portainer using RPi 4

In this segment, we are going to show you “How to Install Plex Media Server on OpenMediaVault 5 inside Docker with Portainer using Raspberry Pi 4

What is Plex Media Server?

Plex is a client-server media player system. This software provides us a great feature of managing our digital library on any platform like WindowsmacOS, and Linux, including some types of NAS devices. Through this tutorial, we are going to show you how you can set up Plex on Raspberry Pi with the help of OpenMediaVault





Full credit goes to the Linux server.

OpenMediaVault Versions :

OpenMediaVault 5 Installation Guide :

Software Required :

Equipment RequiredOptional
Raspberry PiRaspberry Pi 4Case
SD_CardSD Card
Raspberry Pi Keyboard
EthernetEthernet CableMouse
ChargerPower Adapter  
HDDExternal HDD  
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Docker Compose

version: "2"
    image: linuxserver/plex
    container_name: plex
    network_mode: host
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - VERSION=docker
      - UMASK_SET=022 #optional
      - PLEX_CLAIM= #optional
      - /path/to/library:/config
      - path/to/tvseries:/tv
      - /path/to/movies:/movies
    restart: unless-stopped

How to find PUID & PGID

  • However, to find PUID and PGID we can use the below-given command.
id name of the user


Plex Container Configuration

  • First, we need to navigate to Containers and then click on Add container.
  • Secondly, fill the details as mentioned below in the picture, Choose a name for your container and image name as linuxserver/plex
  • Always pull the image option must be checked, if the image is not already downloaded.

Plex Media Server

Click to ZOOM

  • In the volume section, we need to configure the path for config, Movies, TV, Music, and Photos folders then bind these folders to our desired path.

Plex Media Server

Click to ZOOM

  • After that we need to configure Environment Variables as mentioned below in the picture.

Plex Media Server

Click to ZOOM

  • In this section we need to select unless stopped.

wordpressClick to Zoom

  • Finally, once the configuration complete we can click on Deploy the container and when the status of our container is running we can go ahead and access it.

Access Plex Web Interface

  • To access the Plex web interface we need to type the OpenMediaVault IP Address:32400/web
  • After that follow the on-screen instructions to configure Plex or you can refer to our video.

In conclusion

  • Above all steps will convert your Raspberry Pi 4 as Plex Media Server on OpenMediaVault 5 with the help of Docker.
  • If you face any issue regarding this article please share your thoughts.
  • Enjoy using Plex Media Server on Docker using Openmediavault. Smile (.”_”.)

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Harish Kumar

As a founder of the PcMac YouTube channel and website, Our goal is to provide Free Technical help to people and spread knowledge to everyone.
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4 years ago

Perfect install once again ,Ive been following all you OMV5 installe
s and they just work perfectly thanks.

4 years ago

Will this work for Pi 3 model B?

4 years ago

When I follow these instructions, I get the container up and running. However, when I go to the plex server via browser, I get the error “A problem has been detected with a core component of Plex Media Server” and it doesn’t go any further. I’m also not sure about your Volume variables. I setup folders in my home user folder that were equivalent.

Reply to  Harish Kumar
3 years ago

I had the same error even after stopping/starting container. I had to switch to version – linuxserver/plex:bionic instead of plex:latest then everything started to work with no errors in logs!

Last edited 3 years ago by Bart
3 years ago

I followed this tutorial and had some issues. Here’s some feedback:

  1. Don’t try the official plex media server docker as it won’t run on Raspberry
  2. I switched to bridge network as I’m more familiar with it. I forwarded all the ports Google gave me but plex didn’t start. This was because:
  3. I already had miniDLNA running as a service on my OMV preventing Plex to use port 1900
  4. I had avahi running from OMV, which is a bonjour daemon preventing Plex to use port 5353
  5. => I didn’t forward those ports for Plex (for now, let’s see, perhaps I will also stop those daemons on OMV)
  6. I found your explanation on how to create volumes very short. I looked back at another tutorial to find out how to to this:
  7. Your screenshot about ENV variables doesn’t match your docker compose. It misses a crucial env variable that cost me about an hour to figure out: PLEX_CLAIM. It’s value should be set with the value from

Thanks again for your tutorial.

3 years ago

I followed the instructions and it kind of worked at the beginning, because I could access the plex browser, but then I got an error message that said that there was a problem. Then, I deleted the container and tried again from scratch, but now, I can’t access to the plex browser. Any time I try it says that the connection was rejected.