Dell Venue Tablet’s | Internal Hard Disk not found

In this segment, we are going to show you how to fix the issue with Dell Venue Tablet’s “Internal Hard Disk not found”

Dell Tablet

Internal Hard Disk not found

  • To resolve this problem with our Dell Venue Tablet, we need to have the below-given equipment with us.
Flash DriveFlash Drive
keyboardKeyboard & Mouse
Desktop or Laptop

Note: If you purchase the above OTG cable then you don’t require a USB HUB.

  • Before collecting any equipment we should go ahead and download the required operating system for our Tablet. Recommended [32-Bit version for Tablet]

Official Windows Download:

  • Now I can assume that we have both Hardware and Software that is required by this project. So, we can start resolving the issue now.

Things to remember

batteryFirst, we need to ensure that our Tablet is charged for more than 75%. Because we can’t charge the device in between the installation.
rufusSecondly, we need to write the image to our Flash Drive with the help of Rufus.

Steps to Flash image from Rufus.

DriverThirdly, we also need to download the Operating System Drivers and copy them to the same Flash drive which has the Operating system installed.

Use Dell’s official website to download Drivers.

biosFinally, we need to Disable Secure Boot from our Tablet.

Follow the steps given below

Steps to enter into BIOS

Without an External USB Keyboard:

      1. Press and hold the Power + Volume down button to power up the system in BIOS mode.
      2. Leave the button when you see a progress bar.


Using an External USB Keyboard:

      1. Before entering the System Setup, connect the USB HUB to the Tablet with the help of OTG cable. Now, connect your Keyboard and mouse to USB Hub.
      2. Turn on (or restart) the system.
      3. Before the Dell Logo is displayed, press the F2 key immediately.
      4. If the operating system logo appears instead of the BIOS screen, repeat the third step again by shutting down the system.

Disable Secure Boot

  • Now as you are in BIOS navigate to security and then disable secure boot as shown below.
  • After that press the F10 key to save the changes and restart the system. Before restarting please connect the Flash drive that contains the Windows Operating System.

Installing Operating system

  • After the restart cycle complete you will see the setup screen started automatically on the Tablet.
  • Follow the steps to install your new Windows Operating System to your Dell Tablet.
  • Once the installation finishes, we can install the drivers which we have already saved on the Flash Drive.

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Harish Kumar

As a founder of the PcMac YouTube channel and website, Our goal is to provide Free Technical help to people and spread knowledge to everyone.
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Last edited 4 years ago by Isabell